
Memestra uses two caches to speedup some computations.

One is a declarative cache, installed in <prefix>/share/memestra. The second one is an automatic cache, installed in <home>/.memestra.

Declarative Cache

The declarative cache is a file-based cache manually managed by users or third-party packages. Its structure is very simple: to describe a Python file whose path is <root>/numpy/random/, one need to drop a file in <prefix>/share/memestra/numpy/random/__init__.yml. The yaml content looks like the following:

deprecated: ['deprecated_function1', 'deprecated_function2:some reason']
generator: manual
name: numpy.random
version: 1
  • The deprecated field is the most important one. It contains a list of strings, each element being the name of a deprecated identifier. Text after the first (optional) : is usead as deprectation documentation.
  • The generator field must be set to manual.
  • The name field is informative, it documents the cache entry and is usually set to the entry path.
  • The version field is used to track compatibility with further format changes. Current value is 1.

When hitting an entry in the declarative cache, memestra does not process the content of the file, and uses the entry content instead.

Automatic Cache

To avoid redundant computations, memestra also maintains a cache of the visited file and the associated deprecation results.

To handle the cache, memestra provides a tool named memestra-cache.

Memestra’s caching infrastructure is a file-based cache, located in home/<user>/.memestra (RW). The key is a hash of the file content and the value contains deprecation information, generator used, etc.

There are two kind of keys: recursive and non-recursive. The recursive one also uses the hash of imported modules, so that if an imported module changes, the hash of the importing module also changes.

To interact with memestra caches:

Positional arguments:


Set a cache entry in the automatic cache


List cache entries for both caches


Remove all cache entries from the automatic cache


Set cache entry from docstring in the automatic cache

Optional arguments:

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit