
Using memestra

To use memestra in your code simply decorate your functions with the decorator you wish to use. The default decorator for memestra is @decorator.deprecated and you can find more about it here.

Memestra receives one mandatory argument in the command line, which is a positional argument, or the path to file that you want to scan.

memestra path/to/file

Besides that there are a few optional arguments that you can use.

Optional arguments:


Path to the decorator to check. Allows the use of a personalized decorator. If you’re using the default one there is no need to write it again. If you’re using something different it’s necessary to pass your decorator to memestra when calling it.
memestra path/to/file --decorator=userdecorator.deprecated


It’s possible to show a message to the user specifying the reason why the code was deprecated. With this flag you can choose a different keyword, the default is reason. If the user doesn’t specify a reason keyword and doesn’t pass any other keyword but still add a string in the wrapper call this string will be shown as the reason for the deprecation.


Traverses the whole module hierarchy, including imported modules down to the Python standard library. Is deactivated by default.

-h, --help

Show a help message and exit.